I love Mediterranean food very much. Onion, carrot, olive oil, garlic.....are my favorite. When dining outside Mediterranean restaurant would rank top of my preference.
Thyme Zaatar is my most favorite baked bread. Collected some information about making Thyme Zaatar, and had finally baked once by myself :-)
It resulted very nice taste with crispy, but through out the precedures, it was pretty tiring and long on massage flour :-) .....Combine the flour, salt and make a well in the center and pour in the olive oil, then mixing with hand until the mixture cleans the bowl and has come together into a slightly sticky dough...it was pretty tiring and long on massage flour :-)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thyme Zaatar
dream is ordinary
7:25 AM
標籤: baked once by myself, dough, Mediterranean food, my most favorite, thyme, Zaatar