Sunday, December 23, 2007

Memories and Xmas.

In Xmas season, luxury boutique store windows are elaborately decorated and specially beautiful with warmth.

Xmas gift shopping has done, I'm at an ease and feeling relaxed, slowly walked and looked, wihtout enough courage to recall many memories, time flees too fast.

Often, before recalling memories, new memories take in place!

Suddenly felt the most wanted thing to do for pleasure before Xmas is to watch movie at home.

Remember once used to watch 2 old movies about Xmas, one was acted by Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep, "Falling in love".

And the other movie was by Annete Bening and her husband Warren Beatty, "Love Affair".

Those stories ended happily with warm Xmas reunion, during Xmas I always think of these 2 movies.